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MQ Hofmusik: fiio

07.08.2024 to 07.08.2024 - MQ Main Courtyard, MQ Sommerbühne

MQ Hofmusik: fiio


MQ Hofmusik:

Wed 07.08.2024, 19h l MQ Summer Stage, Main Courtyard l Free entry

With distorted guitars and catchy hooks about Wirr Warr in your heart or head, the Viennese New Wave artist fiio combines a timeless indie rock sound with everyday romanticism. His lyrics revolve between being too old and too young, quarter life crisis and internet culture, wrapped up in instrumentals that sometimes quote the 00s and 90s or give the rest of the music world the middle finger. A frequent theme in his songs is life online, with which he himself has a strange relationship. On the one hand, he sees it as an absurd place that is funny, creative, emotional and entertaining at the same time. On the other hand, it can also bring out very nasty sides in people. From life in the small town to the move to the larger small town of Vienna, fiio creates authentic musical scenes from a film that has been running in his head for years but has never been filmed in real life. In order to take a little break from everything, fiio has started to romanticise everyday things, so that cutting vegetables is now a meditative substitute for yoga. If that doesn't help him find inner peace, there's always singing in the shower, which is below average.

Photo: fiio © Lana Cerha

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