12.08.2024 to 12.08.2024 - MQ Main Courtyard, MQ Sommerbühne
Monday Listening Club hosted by Martin Markeli: DJ Fritz Plöckinger

Monday Listening Club
hosted by Martin Markeli
Mo 12.08.2024, 18 – 22h l MQ Summer Stage, Main Courtyard l Free entry
Live DJ-Set: DJ Fritz Plöckinger
Every Monday from 18 – 22h, the Monday Listening Club offers visitors a unique combination of vinyl listening experience, vintage flea market and live DJ sets on the MQ Summer Stage. It invites you to enjoy the beauty and fascination of vinyl records in a relaxed and inspiring environment. Music lovers can come together to share memories, discover treasures and celebrate the timeless magic of music.
Fritz Plöckinger has been a DJ and record dealer since the late 80s, resident of the legendary H.A.P.P.Y collective and good spirit of the city's most renowned shops. Personal encounters with newly emerging genres such as house and techno as well as their historical foundations - from soul, funk and disco - awakened an early passion for collecting vinyl, but also for exploring fringe zones and experiments. The subjective view, the curating of a record shop and the pre-selection of the DJ as a dual function in the search for relevance are his assets: to be heard today with pieces that do not have functionality in mind, but moods, depth and grooves.
During his set on the MQ Sommerbühne, you can look forward to a relaxed journey between jazz, soul disco, moody electronics and smaller detours in between.
Photo: © DJ Fritz Plöckinger
Stage Art (Palm Trees): MM 2017