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05.05.2024 to 09.05.2024 - Dschungel Wien



© Foto Alex Ulbrich, Design Till Frühwald © Foto Alex Ulbrich, Design Till Frühwald

Sun 05. to Thu 09.05., dance and object theatre with live music

Immerse yourself in the magical world of the Baroque!

In the Baroque era, people liked to set up cabinets of curiosities: collection rooms in which they kept wondrous things, curious exhibits and treasures, "mirabilia". The VRUM Performing Arts Collective creates a cabinet full of wonders, secrets and surprises and invites everyone from the age of two to discover this mysterious universe. Accompanied by the music of the era, visitors are immersed in a world full of rich colours, intoxicating details and sublime emotions, in which they playfully explore the fascinating works of artists such as Rubens, Bach and Handel.

The VRUM Performing Arts Collective uses contemporary dance, its energetic movement language and figures full of folds and spirals to create a fascinating link between past and present. Adapted to the youngest audience, this creates a place of wonder, learning and inspiring encounters that brings an era to life.

Dschungel Wien

opening hours

mo-fri:16:00 - 18:00


Museumsplatz 1, 
Hof 2, 1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43/1/522 07 20 -20


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