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04.10.2022 to 05.10.2022 - Dschungel Wien



@ Ola Queen @ Ola Queen

Who am I really?

How can I overcome boundaries as a group or as an individual? Do I even want to? And what comes afterwards? Based on texts by Ingeborg Bachmann and with the personal thoughts, wishes and desires of the performers, "MeineAllesaufderWelt" revolves around a meter-long pile of wood that lies there like piled-up words. Which perhaps stands for the system we live in, or is seen as an insurmountable boundary. It captures the urgency of thoughts, wishes and desires and throws them back like a mirror. We go in search of words and possibilities to reach a place that is not at a point that can be concretely located. A place that deals with each individual's way of being: the space of identity. A dance performance about individual boundaries and overcoming them, about silence, change and freedom.

Nominated for the STELLA*22 - Darstellender.Kunst.Preis für junges Publikum

Guest performance kollektiv kunststoff

Performance for ages 15 and up

Dschungel Wien

opening hours

mo-fri:16:00 - 18:00


Museumsplatz 1, 
Hof 2, 1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43/1/522 07 20 -20


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