22.06.2022 to 22.06.2022
Kunstzelle at MQ: Julia Bugram. Attention ants!
Aftershow - Satellite Program:
Julia Bugram. Attention ants!
Wed 22.06., from 17h
Aftershow is a series of "non-performative" performances and interventions that, through unstructured settings in a relaxed atmosphere, question the role of the artist as someone who has to give, show, present. In the after-show, artists, the audience and those who happen to be present meet and mingle and exchange takes place. The open space around the art cell becomes an informal laboratory for the interactions of an after show. The program consists of performances, participatory interventions, video, sound, dance and experimental theatre. The striving for happiness is questioned while hopping, networks are spun from small sustainable plastic ants and urban space is explored with instructions. A "leftover" remains until the next show.
4 artists show their work barrier-free in weekly succession. Part two of the aftershow will take place in September and October 2022.
KUNSTZELLE goes MuseumsQuartier
The KUNSTZELLE is moving to the forecourt of the MuseumsQuartier for a year. As a former phone booth, its strength lies in publicity and communication. At its new location in front of the main entrance to the MQ, KUNSTZELLE will be showing three installations this year. The annual program is supplemented by a number of shorter interventions. The exhibitions are followed by "After Shows", short interventions from the fields of performing arts, participatory intervention, sound and visual arts. Its informal atmosphere makes the audience part of the after show. The square revives and opens up.