14.06.2018 to 17.06.2018 - Kunsthalle Wien
Books can be about reading, diaries, pictures, art books or even better: art diaries. Let’s create a very special book! Maybe a book in which all letters have disappeared, or a book in which wild animals are playing hide and seek. We are browsing and rummaging. You may cut, glue, draw and sketch! And: In your KUNSTtageBUCH you may writedrawpaintglue everything to do with art and yourself.
KinderKulturParcours is taking place for the first time from June 14 to June 17. Different institutions at the Museumsquartier have created a varied art & culture parcours for young people. Additionally to the KUNSTtageBUCHworkshops Kunsthalle Wien is also hosting the I like it loud! Kids Disco for children ages 4 - 10.
Workshop for children aged between 6 - 12
Meeting point at the Kunsthalle Wien Shop, Museumsquartier
Registration: vermittlung@kunsthallewien.at
Costs: EUR 2, free with KinderAktivcard
Kunsthalle Wien
opening hours
mo: | closed |
tue-wed: | 10:00 – 18:00 |
thu: | 10:00 – 20:00 |
fri-sun: | 10:00 – 18:00 |
Museumsplatz 1,
A-1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43-1-52189-0
Opening hours Christmas holidays:
Tue 24. & Wed 25.12. closed
Thu 26.12, 10-20h
Tue 31.12. & Wed 01.01., 10-18h