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Kompanie Samuel Feldhandler: Soso

07.02.2025 to 08.02.2025 - Tanzquartier Wien

Kompanie Samuel Feldhandler: Soso


© Mahour Arbabian © Mahour Arbabian

Dance: Soso

Fri 07. & Sat 08.02., 19.30h, TQW Halle G, Premiere

Samuel Feldhandler comes from a family of musicians. In his practice, he is looking for ways to translate musical forms into choreographic scores. For his new dance piece, dedicated to his grandmother Soso, he uses a variety of interpretation and composition techniques such as canons, quotations, fugues and inversions.

Sonia "Soso" Feldhandler (née Krajsztajn) was born in France in 1933 to Jewish-Polish parents. Her father went to war in 1939, her mother was arrested in 1942. With the help of neighbours and relatives, Soso was able to hide in a small town in Switzerland until reuniting with her parents in 1946. Today, more than three-quarters of a century and many, many stories later, two of her grandchildren, Samuel and Alma, collaborate to bring the dance portrait Soso to life.

Tanzquartier Wien

opening hours

mo-fri:9 – 19.30h
sat:10 – 19.30h


Tanzquartier Wien GmbH
Museumsplatz 1, A-1070 Wien
Tel.: +43-1-581 35 91

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