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11.06.2024 to 13.06.2024 - Dschungel Wien



© Rainer Berson © Rainer Berson

Tue 11.06., 19h, Wed 12. & Thu 13.06., 10.30h

What is a perfect life, a perfect body, a perfect origin? What is important in life?

What makes us independent and happy? What prevents us from realising our full potential? Joseph can't walk without his crutches, but when he dances, he literally seems to fly. Maartje, on the other hand, is rather small and petite, but has the strength to climb the highest trees, and Futurelove may have little money, but he has a voice that makes the world around him resound. Because like a king or queen, everyone wears their crown in life.

The team explores their African, Indonesian, Iraqi and European origins and the colonial history associated with them. Inspired by the life and work of Jean-Michel Basquiat, who repeatedly painted the three-pointed crown in his pictures as a symbol of self-empowerment, but also of oppression.

A powerful dance piece exploring boundaries and a journey into other dimensions of physicality by Corinne Eckenstein and Joseph Tebandeke.

A project in collaboration with ConnectUp, supported by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, and TANZKOMPLIZEN (DE)

Dschungel Wien

opening hours

mo-fri:16:00 - 18:00


Museumsplatz 1, 
Hof 2, 1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43/1/522 07 20 -20


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