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Inspektor SOS

26.04.2024 to 30.04.2024 - Dschungel Wien

Inspektor SOS


© Kompanie Freispiel © Kompanie Freispiel

Fri 26. to Tue 30.04.

A table with a radio on it, a chair with a broom leaning against it, a rubbish bin in the corner.

An innocent landscape painting hangs on the wall. A small hob with a kettle, tea bags and kitchen paper. Someone lives here and that's a good thing.

But what happens if someone enters the room and turns this orderly living space into chaos? A burglar, a thief or just a curious nose? What the hell is he doing there? It wasn't planned like this! The kitchen roll is carelessly unrolled, the kettle is simply switched on, the table and chair are ruthlessly knocked over, all the plugs are pulled out of the sockets and finally the bin is emptied on the floor. And before you know it, the person has disappeared from the room without a trace. How could this person ever be found again? Inspector Soso sets out on this trail.

With cunning tricks and clever pursuit attempts, Inspector Soso manages to track down the culprit - but only with the help of the audience! Become a witness and help us solve the chaos.

Following the performance on Sun 28.04., there will be a workshop for children.

Dschungel Wien

opening hours

mo-fri:16:00 - 18:00


Museumsplatz 1, 
Hof 2, 1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43/1/522 07 20 -20


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