06.08.2022 to 06.08.2022 - Leopold Museum
ImPulsTanz: Life Long Burning: Creative Crossroads Artists, Cycle 2
Performance Situation Room Showing
Life Long Burning: Creative Crossroads Artists, Cycle 2
Welcome to the pleasure...
For two years, in 2020 and 2021, choreographers and dancers were invited by the Creative Europe project Life Long Burning to share resources, working processes and artistic practices with the network’s partner organizations and to develop new pieces. Last year, Cycle 1 was invited. Now several artists of Cycle 2 come together again at the Leopold Museum to share their experiences and results with each other and with the audience. This will create an exciting, hybrid artistic space between archive, installation and exhibition – and of course dance and live art will not be missing in it!
By and with the artists and artist collectives:
Anna Biczók, Paula Chaves, Dance till the new dawn - Ples do nove zore (Bojan Djordjev, Siniša Ilić, Marijana Cvetković, Igor Koruga), Sergiu Matis, Anja Müller & Dennis Deter, Karin Pauer & Lisa Vereertbrugghen
With material and contributions by Alix Eynaudi
Outside Eye and dramaturgical Advice: Costas Kekis
Life Long Burning Partner
Organisations Workshop Foundation, Budapest / Kik Melone, Zagreb / ICI-CCN de Montpellier / MDT Stockholm / Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia, Ljubljana / STUK Leuven / brain store project, Sofia / danceWEB, Vienna / Veem House for Performance, Amsterdam / 4Culture, Bucharest / Uferstudios Berlin
Leopold Museum
opening hours
mo: | 10:00 – 18:00 |
tue: | 10:00 - 18:00 |
wed-sun: | 10:00 – 18:00 |
Museumsplatz 1,
A-1070 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 525 70-0
Opening hours Christmas holidays:
Tue 24.12. closed
Wed 25. & Thu 26.12, 10-18h
Tue 31.12., 10-17h
Wed 01.01., 10-18h