05.08.2023 to 05.08.2023 - Hof 8
frame[o]ut 2023: Três Tigers Tristes / Three Tidy Tigers Tied A Tie Tighter

BR 2022, Fiction, 85 min., OV with english subtitles
Director: Gustavo Vinagre
Starring: Isabella Pereira, Jonata Vieira, Pedro Ribeiro, Gilda Nomacce, Carlos Escher, Julia Katharine, Ivana Wonder, Cida Moreira, Everaldo Pontes, Nilceia Vicente
Three young queer people struggle not to lose their memories and their joy of life: A virus that causes forgetting is rampant in Brazil. The country has lost the memory of its colonial and dictatorial history and is waiting for the "golden phase" announced by the state to bring happy times. The three friends openly share and repeat their experiences of drag, queerness, love and sex. They drift through sunny São Paulo and finally meet a group of like-minded people.
"Três Tigers Tristes" is the debut feature film by Brazilian filmmaker and screenwriter Gustavo Vinagre. However, he is known for numerous documentary works such as "The Blue Flower of Novalis and I remember the Crows".
In case of bad weather at Arena21