22.07.2022 to 22.07.2022 - MQ Main Courtyard
frame[o]ut 2022: Verschwinden / Izginjanje
Every Fri & Sat evening l MQ Main Courtyard and MQ Court 8 (at the boules court) l free admission
feature film, documentary film, short film, art film, cinema & digital culture as well as supporting programs before the film screenings.
Fri 22.07., 21h,
MQ Main Courtyard (bad weather location: Arena21)
Verschwinden / Izginjanje
AT 2022, 99 min., Documentary, OmEU
Director: Andrina Mračnikar
In the presence of filmmaker Andrina Mračnikar and Lisa Heuschober (curator).
Director + Script: Andrina Mračnikar
DOP: Judith Benedikt
Editor: Gerhard Daurer
Original Sound: Bertram Knappitsch, William E. Franck, Andreas Hamza
Producers: Jürgen Karasek, Danijel Hočevar
Production: Soleil Film
Co-Produktion: Vertigo (SI)
In southern Carinthia, about ninety percent of all inhabitants spoke Slovene before 1910 - today, in Keutschach/Hodiše, the filmmaker's hometown, about five percent still speak the language of the Carinthian Slovenes. But what remains when language disappears? When belonging and history are violently translated and the perspectives of the voiceless are lost in translation?
Andrina Mračnikar tells of the disappearance of a mother tongue, seeks possibilities for talking about memories for which there are hardly any words left and focuses on the voids that remain - plaques, houses, people. The more she unfolds the story of her hometown and thus also that of her own family, the clearer it becomes that the disappearance is the result of privation - and that those who took were never willing to give back.
Na južnem Koroškem je pred letom 1910 devetdeset procentov vseh prebivalcev govorilo slovensko. Danes v Hodišah/Keutschach-u, v domačem kraju režiserke filma Izginjanje, jezik Koroških Slovencev govori le še dobrih pet procentov krajanov. Kaj ostane za govorom, ki izgine? Ko sta pripadnost in zgodovina na silo prevedeni v jezik nekoga drugega in so perspektive negovorečih izgubljene v prevodu?
Andrina Mračnikar pripoveduje o izginotju maternega jezika in pri tem išče načine, kako ubesediti spomine, za katere besede praktično več ne obstajajo, pri tem pa pozornost usmerja v prazna mesta, ki ostajajo - krajevne table, hiše, ljudje. Bolj kot se razpredajo niti zgodbe o njenem domačem kraju in s tem zgodba njene lastne družine, bolj očitno postaja, da izginotje temelji na odvzemu in da tisti, ki jemljejo, nikoli niso nameravali ničesar vrniti.V letu, ko mineva petdeset let od napada na krajevne table, se ne postavlja zgolj vprašanje, o čem se govori ter o čem se ne govori, temveč tudi v čigavem jeziku se kolektivni spomin sme ohranjati, kako zveni odpor in kdo se trudi, da bi ga razumel.
Andrina Mračnikar, born 1981, studied directing and screenwriting at the Vienna Film Academy with Michael Haneke and Walter Wippersberg. Her documentaries Andri 1924- 1944 and DER KÄRNTNER SPRICHT DEUTSCH were both awarded at the Diagonale, her feature film debut MA FOLIE received, among others, the First Steps Award.
Andrina Mračnikar, rojena 1981. Študirala režijo in scenaristiko na Filmakademie Wien pod mentorstvom Michaela Hanekeja in Walterja Wippersberga. Njena dokumentarna filma Andri 1924-44 in DER KÄRNTNER SPRICHT DEUTSCH sta oba bila nagrajena na festivalu Diagonale, njen igrani prvenec MA FOLIE pa je med drugim prejel nagrado First Steps Award.
Photo/Still: © Soleil Film