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FERDO VELIKI PTIČ - Puppet Theatre

22.10.2023 to 22.10.2023 - Dschungel Wien

FERDO VELIKI PTIČ - Puppet Theatre


© Bostjan Lah © Bostjan Lah

Ferdo is a bird. And a pretty big one at that. But his willingness to help is even greater: for children he is a wonderful climbing frame, on the building site he doesn't do badly as a crane and he also likes to help the chimney sweeps. Of course, Ferdo also gets really thirsty sometimes and drinks up an entire pond. When he is chased away by the angry anglers, fish and water birds, he gets a big rain cloud and fills up the pond again with rainwater. And finally they recognise the bird's great helpfulness and thank him with a medal. The story of Ferdo is full of symbolism and tells of being different, of generosity and self-interest, but above all of the joy that comes from helping each other. The play is based on the picture book of the same name by Slovenian illustrator Andreja Peklar, which has also been translated into German.

Zgodba pripoveduje o Ferdu, ptiču, ki je prevelik za okolje, v katerem živi. Toda Ferdo svoje drugačnosti sploh ne opazi; še več: s pridom jo uporablja, da z njo pomaga manjšim od sebe. Ometa visoke dimnike, pomaga pri gradnji … Prav vsakemu, ki potrebuje njegovo drugačnost, z veseljem priskoči na pomoč. Utrujen in žejen nehote popije vso vodo iz ribnika. Ljudje in živali se ujezijo, hitro pozabijo na njegova dobra dela in ga izženejo iz mesta. Osamljen Ferdo sam tava po svetu in naposled sreča drobno ptičico, ki mu pomaga napolniti izpraznjen ribnik … "Ferdo, veliki ptič" je simbolov polna zgodba o velikosti in majhnosti, velikodušnosti in sebičnosti ter o radosti, ki jo vzbuja medsebojna pomoč. Predstava je nastala po istoimenski slikanici brez besed Andreje Peklar, za katero je dobila številne slovenske in mednarodne nagrade, med drugim nagrado Kristine Brenkove, priznanje Hinka Smrekarja, slikanica pa se je uvrstila tudi na častno listo IBBY.

Dschungel Wien

opening hours

mo-tue:1 hour before performance
wed-fri:Box office 16.30-18.30h
sat-sun:1 hour before performance


Museumsplatz 1, 
Hof 2, 1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43/1/522 07 20 -20

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