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Excursion: Free living

06.05.2022 to 06.05.2022 - Architekturzentrum Wien

Excursion: Free living


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The part of the development by ARTEC and Dietrich I Untertrifaller Architekten in the In der Wiesen Süd 2019 urban expansion area was awarded the Vienna Housing Prize as an "innovative, sustainable and trend-setting project". An exploration of the project four years after completion with the architects, representatives of the developer, landscape planners and an expert for social sustainability.

2 developers + 2 teams of architects = 1 joint project with agreement on the basic design principles: floor-to-ceiling glazing throughout, narrow encircling balconies that expand into usable open spaces, with light and permeability in response to small apartment sizes. The ground floor zone is dedicated to general uses. Whereas in many Viennese urban development areas, closedness and façade formality dominate. Based on the historically tight urban fabric, here there is openness, coolness, lightness. At the same time, the overarching design principles, the urban layout and the flowing, structuring landscape design gave rise to a genuine quarter. A “meadow dialogue” ensured sustainable social cohesion.

With: Richard Manahl, ARTEC Architekten; Maria Auböck, Auböck-Kárász Landscape architects; Maria Megina, Dietrich I Untertrifaller Architekten; Petra Hendrich, Realitylab; representatives from Wohnbaugenossenschaften Heimbau and Altmannsdorf & Hetzendorf

Moderated by  Maria Welzig, Az W

Meeting point: 14.45h, Carlberggasse 105, 1230 Vienna

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Architekturzentrum Wien

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Museumsplatz 1,
Hof 7, 1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43/1/522 31 15


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