05.10.2023 to 05.10.2023 - Architekturzentrum Wien
Excursion: Elsa Prochazkas Display at the Volkskundemuseum
30 years ago, Elsa Prochazka developed a now iconic exhibition design for the Folklore Museum. Now the building is being renovated and the permanent exhibition redesigned.
Before the exhibition is dismantled, the architect will give a tour of the exhibition and then discuss fundamental questions about dealing with collections with Matthias Beitl, director of the Folk Art Museum, and Monika Platzer, curator of the Az W exhibition collection "Hot Questions - Cold Storage". How were and are permanent exhibitions planned and designed, what are their requirements and what can they achieve? Is the concept of the permanent exhibition still up-to-date at all?
A cooperation with the Volkskundemuseum Wien
Guided tour: Elsa Prochazka, architect; Team Volkskundemuseum Wien
Panel discussion: Matthias Beitl, Director Volkskundemuseum Wien; Monika Platzer, Head of Collection/Curator Az W; Elsa Prochazka, Architect
Moderation: Monika Sommer, Director Haus der Geschichte Österreich