25.01.2024 to 03.03.2024 - eSeL REZEPTION
eSeL ABC feat. Grenzfurthner / monochrom

eSeL ABC feat. Grenzfurthner / monochrom
Eröffnung: Mi 24.01.2024, 18h
25.01. – 03.03.2024, eSeL REZEPTION
In 2024, eSeL REZEPTION invites eight artists to visually comment on the specific vocabulary that is used in the artworld by their own means of artistic practice (and a lot of humor). For the first exhibition in 2024 artist Johannes Grenzfurthner from the collective monochrom dissects his choice of 26 artsy keywords from A to Z.
Grenzfurthner instructed an artificial intelligence software to create visual comments in the style of medieval woodcuts according to his idiosyncratic specifications.
Next to these graphics, eSeL presents photos from his huge photo archive from Vienna´s art scenes as his visual commentary on each topic - supplemented by “fake” encyclopedia-definitions by eSeL to encourage further association.
The eSeL ABC exhibition series will continue with 26 drawings from Rudi Klein that will again be accompagnied by eSeL´s photos and commentaries.
*Save the Date* Opening: Wed, 06.03.2024, 18h
Johannes Grenzfurthner is an artist, author and filmmaker. He is co-founder and creative mastermind of the artist collective monochrom who are also situtated in the MQ Schauräume.
Grenzfurthner is also known for his award-winning films MaskingThreshold (2021), Razzennest (2022), Glossary of Broken Dreams (2018) - and his generally experimental, humourous and critical approach to contemporary arts in all disciplines monochrom is an unpeculiar mixture of proto-aesthetic fringe work, pop attitude, subcultural science, context hacking and political activism. monochrom has existed in this (and almost every other) form since 1993.
On the same evening, the openings I scare them martyred between cloud and soilby MQ Artist-in-Residence Genc Kadriu at MQ Pop-Up Schauraum and Speedshow Series S1E1at Schauraum Angewandte take place.