08.10.2022 to 29.01.2023 - mumok
The collection show "Changes" focuses on recent acquisitions to the mumok collection, with works by Leidy Churchman, János Fájo, Philipp Fleischmann, Birke Gorm, Jojo Gronostay, Frida Orupabo, and Emily Wardill, and other works from the collection that have not yet been shown at mumok, and confronts these with older holdings which can thus be seen afresh.
The exhibition title "Changes" refers to a work by Sam Gilliam (1933–2022), who recently passed away. He identified the key to his artistic practice in “a sense of the importance of process, of change, of the importance of difference itself, a freedom to take command and work from one’s own ideas.” The title of his work "Change" (1970), which is in the mumok collection, refers to the fact that Gilliam’s “drape paintings,” of which this work is an example, are hung without frames from the ceiling and can look very different depending on the nature of the space where they are shown.
Opening: Fri 07.10.,19h