Netti Nüganen "The Myth: last day"

Netti Nüganen "The Myth: last day"

"The Myth: last day" is centred around a prefabricated archaeological mine, where a pseudo-archaeologist digs objects from the ground. It intertwines reality and fiction and creates myths, thereby constructing speculative pasts and futures. The show’s second part is a black-metal-inspired doomsday concert, where the researcher becomes a chaotic punk-metalhead.

date: 19.01.2024 to 20.01.2024

Tour: Boobs. Shifting the gaze

Tour: Boobs. Shifting the gaze

Every first and third Thursday of the month at 17.30h you can discover the exhibition Darker, Lighter, Puffy, Flat together with our art educators and discuss the context and background of the exhibited works.

date: 18.01.2024

Die fürchterlichen fünf

Die fürchterlichen fünf

The audience joins the five unloved creatures in a space of self-irony and self-love, where one cares for the other, where everyone is valuable and right and allowed to participate. The play celebrates the beauty of ugliness, of being an outsider, and of the creativity that lies dormant within us and allows us to experience connectedness with others.

date: 17.01.2024 to 21.01.2024



Four robbers from Karl Moor's gang from Schiller's famous drama have broken into a villa and are waiting for their leader. How do you pass the time?

date: 16.01.2024 to 18.01.2024

Learning from Vulnerability with Aleksandra Kolodziejczyk

Learning from Vulnerability with Aleksandra Kolodziejczyk

Conceptual tour by Andrea Hubin and Aleksandra Kolodziejczyk in the exhibition "No Feeling Is Final. The Skopje Solidarity Collection".

date: 14.01.2024 to 28.01.2024

TQW Winter School: "Dance Class" - On Classism in Dance and Performance

TQW Winter School: "Dance Class" - On Classism in Dance and Performance

The TQW Winter School is a festival and conference, experiment and discussion, located between theory and practice. This year, under the title Dance Class, it devotes three days to classism in contemporary dance and performance art.

date: 12.01.2024 to 14.01.2024