Tour: Nipplegate

Tour: Nipplegate

Every first and third Thursday of the month at 17.30h you can discover the exhibition Darker, Lighter, Puffy, Flat together with our art educators and discuss the context and background of the exhibited works.

date: 04.04.2024

Lecture and discussion: Every­thing Stays Different. How Housing Remains Adapt­able.

Lecture and discussion: Every­thing Stays Different. How Housing Remains Adapt­able.

Even before the Corona virus pandemic everyday reality could change overnight, and the demands placed on one's own four walls along with it. How can units be built that can be used freely while remaining flexible? The event presents inspiration from France and Austria, with Sophie Delhay and PPAG.

date: 03.04.2024

Domenico Cimarosa - L'Olimpiade

Domenico Cimarosa - L'Olimpiade

Sport, political theory and social criticism? Where, if not in an opera, could these three things be brought together? "L’Olimpiade" is one of the libretti by the grandmaster Metastasio that has been set to music most often. During the Olympic Games, two pairs of lovers must face many tough challenges, and not just sporting ones, before everything ultimately turns out well.

date: 31.03.2024

Workshop: Was verbindet uns?

Workshop: Was verbindet uns?

We use music, our voices and our bodies to introduce ourselves to each other, present our strengths and find out together where we are different and where we are similar. Everyone can try themselves out here.

date: 28.03.2024

Workshop: Kleine Käfer, Große Abenteuer

Workshop: Kleine Käfer, Große Abenteuer

Together, we playfully explore the exciting world at our feet.

date: 27.03.2024

Workshop: Hier stimmt etwas nicht

Workshop: Hier stimmt etwas nicht

We become detectives, get to the bottom of mysterious things and bring our own detective story to the stage with excitement, games and fun!

date: 27.03.2024