23.08.2023 to 23.08.2023 - Architekturzentrum Wien
Architektur.Film.Sommer 2023: Palaces of the everyday

Bernoullistrasse 1, AT 2022,
06:47 min, OV with English subtitles, Dir: Lorenz Zenleser, Laura Mann, Robert Bettinger
The Volkshochschule Donaustadt is a brutalist school building standing on the most expensive site in the district. Demolition is planned for 2024. How does the neighbourhood regard the matter?
Wrinkels, MEX 2023,
10:00 min, OV with English subtitles, Dir: Daisy Ziyan Zhang
People grow old, buildings grow old — so too, this one in the centre of Mexico City. Built in the 1970s, it was destroyed by an earthquake, abandoned, repaired and maintained. The film goes in search of an alternative reading of the architectural authorship and in doing so encounters the everyday lives of its residents.
City Symphony, USA 2022,
05:39 min, OV with English subtitles, Dir: Lucy Walker
The film casts a poetical glance at urban co-existence at a New York open-air swimming pool during the heat of summer, while in the background the Gospel hymn plays, "Oh What a Beautiful City".
27 Storeys, AT/DE 2023,
82:00 min, OV with English subtitles, Dir: Bianca Gleissinger
27 storeys, 10,000 people: the world famous Alterlaa residential development in Vienna is considered an iconic monument and a palace of social Utopianism. Bianca Gleissinger returns to the setting of her childhood for her humorous debut as a filmmaker, and provides new insights into this social biotope.