09.05.2023 to 12.05.2023 - Dschungel Wien
Achtung: Abgesang!
Make the most of the next three days! They will be your last.
We are telling you a story in the spirit of environmentalist Paul Hawken: We have given the Earth a face to make its problems more understandable to us humans. Or rather, six faces. These six embodied parts of the Earth give us one last chance to respond to her demands, and they give us three days to do so.
If humanity is not prepared to mend its ways, the Earth will destroy itself - and with it our habitat - after this deadline. In between, the six recapitulate, appeal, discuss, manipulate, fascinate and riot among the disguised humans.
A play to laugh at and to cry about. Because it is our story. Will they push the button that destroys us all in the end?
Tickets: Dschungel Wien
For the Theaterwild:Festivals
Dschungel Wien
opening hours
mo-tue: | 1 hour before performance |
wed-fri: | Box office 16.30-18.30h |
sat-sun: | 1 hour before performance |
Museumsplatz 1,
Hof 2, 1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43/1/522 07 20 -20