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365 Days of full-scale war in Ukraine. Visual Diary

24.02.2023 to 24.02.2023 - Arena21

365 Days of full-scale war in Ukraine. Visual Diary


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365 Days of full-scale war in Ukraine. Visual Diary

Fri 24 Feb, 19h
Arena21, MuseumsQuartier Wien

A joint event of MuseumsQuartier Wien and Office Ukraine. Shelter for Ukrainian Artists
The evening will be held in German and English with Ukrainian translation

The event organized by Office Ukraine and MQ will use a variety of artistic contributions to shed light on what war means for those affected by it: What do people experience when they flee? How do they experience their first time in a foreign country? And how can the coexistence between new arrivals and Austrians succeed against the background of such different life situations?


from 18.30h
The video projection "365 Days of full-scale War in Ukraine - Visual Diary" with works by the Ukrainian artists Yehor Antsyhin, Eugen Arlov, Anatoly Belov, Mark Chehodaiev, Lucy Ivanova, Zoya Laktionova and Kateryna Lysovenko can be seen for three days on the outer facade of the MQ.


Bettina Leidl, Director MQ
Office Ukraine, staff members

Video presentations
"15.02.22- 24.02.22 KYIV", video by Alisa Sizykh, 2022 (3 min)
"Guide Map", video by Alina Maksimenko, 2022 (12 min)
Alina Maksimenko managed to escape from Irpin two weeks after the beginning of the war, which she documented in the form of a video diary.

"365 Days" (30 min), play

"365 Days" is a project of the Burgtheaterstudio in the framework of the Junge Akademie 22/23 and brought together 11 performers:inside, all of whom currently live in Vienna and some of whom come from Ukraine. The collective approach to dramatic events became a common artistic reflection during the last 365 days. The theater project explores the unspeakable and all the successful and failed attempts to understand each other.
In German and Ukrainian with German and Ukrainian surtitles
Direction: Anna Manzano, collaboration: Anastasiia Yakovenko

Followed by a talk with the participants of the theater project

About Office Ukraine
Office Ukraine. Shelter for Ukrainian Artists was established for Ukrainian artists and cultural workers of all disciplines who are fleeing the war in Ukraine and are seeking protection in Austria. It serves as a link between them and the Austrian art scene. "Office Ukraine. Shelter for Ukrainian Artists" is run by independent art institutions and has offices in Vienna ( / MuseumsQuartier), Graz (< rotor >) and Innsbruck (Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen). We have a broad network and are happy to pass on information and contacts. If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail at

Image: © Lucy Ivanova, Entertaining Park, not suffering crying, 2022

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