05.05.2021 to 05.05.2021 - Architekturzentrum Wien
Online-Event: There is another way!
A presentation of forward-looking projects that demonstrate a different approach to the use of land in environmental, economic or social terms. Let them inspire you!
Four local and international projects demonstrate that spatial planning and urban development does not have to yield to the dictates of capital and the exploitation of resources, showing instead that with initiative and courage new ways of dealing with land are possible. The event invites you to discuss a new understanding of and way of engaging with the land as a limited resource along with a fair land policy for the future.
Project presentations by:
Vedrana Žalac (Wohngenossenschaft Zimmerfrei Basel) on the Stadterle quarter in Erlenmatt Ost, Basel
Christopher de Vries (Rademacher de Vries Architects, Maastricht) on ENCI, Maastricht
Kyosuk Lee (MVRDV China) on Seoul Skygarden, Seoul
Martin Strele (Verein Bodenfreiheit, Wolfurt) on the association
Moderated by Karoline Mayer, Az W Curator
The event will be broadcast online. You will find the link here shortly before the start of the event.