22.02.2020 to 22.02.2020 - Halle E+G
Host: Tanzquartier Wien
Barbara Kraus - Wer will kann gehen
For his 20th anniversary, JohnPlayerSpezial, agent and accomplice of performance artist Barbara Kraus, is given the mission to survey his past operations – not withholding future prospects: a mission that also serves as the prelude to Johnny’s appointment as research expert for “critical walking theory”; and he has clearly no idea what this means. 2020 is the 30th anniversary of performance artist Barbara Kraus’s life in the arts. Even as a child, mostly frolicking in the woods, she practised the art of “becoming”. Her growing discontent with normative identity politics and their power structures resulted in her creations of fluid and open characters, to be everything and all at the same, long before being queer was considered cool. The legendary 1999 premiere of Wer will kann kommen saw Barbara Kraus introduce witty shapeshifter Johnny for the very first time, a role she has since taken on in many different socio-political contexts. Twenty years later, Kraus will celebrate the anniversary of Wer will kann kommen with her glorious comeback Wer will kann gehen, a self-ironic performance event and lavish party that will include fictitious and real companions as well as a platform for discussion with friends and former colleagues. We will only leave after we have arrived…
Tanzquartier Wien
opening hours
mo-fri: | 9 – 19.30h |
sat: | 10 – 19.30h |
sun: | closed |
Tanzquartier Wien GmbH
Museumsplatz 1, A-1070 Wien
Tel.: +43-1-581 35 91
Opening hours Christmas holidays:
closed from 24.12.2024 until 01.01.2025