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Jen Rosenblit / I’m Gonna Need Another One

14.11.2019 to 15.11.2019 - Halle E+G
Host: Tanzquartier Wien

Jen Rosenblit / I’m Gonna Need Another One


„We are left with a floating map without landmarks, an illegible city plan, suggesting that being lost is a valid location.“ — Jen Rosenblit

„Disarming, unpredictable and potent.“ Cindy Sibilsky,

Parts of things are in the painful process of becoming whole things themselves. I’m Gonna Need Another One troubles the authentic and singular self by elevating the inevitability of things falling apart. Situated within the proximity of twelve green foam blocks which leave dusty traces, crumble and disappear in form, Rosenblit stands in as multiple figures who speak to the problems of organizing how we come to know where and who we are. Inside a monologue which profiles a sous-chef, Chiron: the Greek God of pain known for the acknowledgment of the wound on his animal leg, a wheat farmer, a soldier, Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, and a compulsive re-arranger of furniture, the figures orient and reorient the work. A picnic occurs, a small wheat field gets cultivated and we conclude with a short pause to speak about things that we like. We are left amidst an illegible city plan, where being lost is a valid location.

Jen Rosenblit makes performances in New York City and Berlin surrounding architectures, bodies and ideas concerned with problems that arise inside of agendas for togetherness. Rosenblit’s works lean toward the uncanny and maintenance of care, locating ways of being together amidst impossible spaces. The research process tracks the tangential rather than the linear, looking for meaning as it emerges between things. Rosenblit has collaborated with artists including Simone Aughterlony, Miguel Gutierrez, A. K. Burns and Philipp Gehmacher.

Recent works include Everything Fits In The Room ( a 2017 collaboration with Simone Aughterlony, HAU Hebbel am Ufer), Swivel Spot (2017, The Kitchen), Clap Hands (2016, The Invisible Dog/New York Live Arts), a Natural dance (2014, The Kitchen). Rosenblit is a 2018 Guggenheim Fellow, and a 2018 Atelier Mondial Artist-in-Residence in Basel, Switzerland.


Tanzquartier Wien

opening hours

mo-fri:9 – 19.30h
sat:10 – 19.30h


Tanzquartier Wien GmbH
Museumsplatz 1, A-1070 Wien
Tel.: +43-1-581 35 91

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