07.11.2019 to 08.11.2019 - Tanzquartier Wien
Hannah De Meyer / hi baubo
In 2018, Hannah De Meyer wrote and performed the hypnotising new skin. In this production, which was part of this year’s Rakete festival at TQW, she fuses the growing indignation of a new generation of young people about our wrecked world with a highly personal “awakening”: new skin as a door to a new awareness, with alternative stories about what success, prosperity and a thriving society can be.
In her new production hi baubo, Hannah De Meyer follows the lead of Baubo, an obscure mythological figure associated with regeneration, magic and female sexuality. Baubo has turned up in rock drawings, bone figurines and stories since prehistoric times: female figures with accentuated vaginas and spread legs, usually in the company of fish, turtles and birds.
Tanzquartier Wien
opening hours
mo-fri: | 9 – 19.30h |
sat: | 10 – 19.30h |
sun: | closed |
Tanzquartier Wien GmbH
Museumsplatz 1, A-1070 Wien
Tel.: +43-1-581 35 91