13.03.2019 to 13.03.2019 - Architekturzentrum Wien
Opening & Event „Rural Moves – The Songyang Story“
From China to Austria, rural regions face similar challenges: the cores of the communities and centres of the villages are becoming increasingly dispersed, vacant buildings and a lack of jobs are destabilizing infrastructure, resulting in migration to the cities.
The exhibition ‘Rural Moves – The Songyang Story’ shows how precise architectural interventions were found in response to these challenges, and infrastructure was improved in the Songyang region. The exhibition opens with a dialogue between the cultures underlying concepts for rural space in China and in Austria.
A cooperation by the Az W with Aedes Architecture Forum, Berlin
Welcome address: Hans-Jürgen Commerell, Aedes Architecture Forum, Berlin; Angelika Fitz, Az W
Introduction: Eduard Kögel, curator, Berlin; Liu Shouying, Rural Economy in China
Lectures: Roland Gruber, Landluft — Verein zur Förderung von Baukultur in ländlichen Räumen; Xu Tiantian, DnA_Design and Architecture, Beijing
Panel discussion: Roland Gruber, Eduard Kögel, Liu Shouying, Xu Tiantian
Opening: Kristin Feireiss, Aedes Architecture Forum, Berlin; Angelika Fitz, Az W; LI Xiaosi, Chinese ambassador in Austria
Architekturzentrum Wien
opening hours
mo-sun: | 10:00–19:00 |
Museumsplatz 1,
Hof 7, 1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43/1/522 31 15
Opening hours Christmas holidays:
Tue 24. & Tue 31.12., 10-14h
Wed 25 & Thu 26.12, 10-19h
Wed 01.01.2025, 10-19h
The library is closed from 21.12.-07.01.