30.10.2019 to 30.10.2019 - Architekturzentrum Wien
Gotong Royong – For a Common Goal / Collectively Shaping Neighbourhoods

In Indonesia there is a long tradition of communal projects that are agreed upon and realised democratically: Gotong Royong
‘Gotong Royong’ means carrying something out together and describes working together to achieve a collective goal. Three short lectures explan this approach to collaborative projects in Jakarta, and how it strengthens communal autonomy. In what ways can these processes be reinterpreted? What can we learn from Gotong Royong for global challenges in the planning and building sectors?
Welcome address:
Angelika Fitz, Director of the Az W
Florian Waldmayer and Magdalena Dona, Architektur ohne Grenzen Austria
Andrea Fitrianto, ASF Indonesia
Farid Rakun, ruangrupa
Gabriele Weichart, Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie, University Vienna
Followed by a discussion with:
Eilfried Huth, Architect
Moderated by Maik Novotny, architecture reporter