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Club Architektur: Architecture – Competing Ideologies?

20.11.2019 to 20.11.2019 - Architekturzentrum Wien

Club Architektur: Architecture – Competing Ideologies?


What are the hallmarks of conservative, liberal or left-wing architecture? The Architecture Club traces the historical and the current role of ideology in architecture and urban planning.

How much politics is there in architecture? To accompany the exhibition ‘Architecture and the Cold War’, a prominent panel discusses the influence of ideologies on what is built. What are the socio-political mindsets that develop between building for the common good and investor-driven development? Where and in what context is planning done? Where do the roots lie of political polarisation between a social housing project and property? What is the connexion between right-wing populism, and the urban fabric and conservation? These and many other questions are addressed at the event.


Maria Auböck, Landscape architect, Professor emerita, Akademie der Bildenden Künste München, Munich
Michael Klein, architect, Department for Housing Construction and Design, TU Wien
Elisabeth Röhrlich, assistant professor at the Department of History, Universität Wien
Stephan Trüby, architecture theorist, Director of the Institute for Principles of Modern Architecture (Design and Theory)

Moderated by Maik Novotny, architecture correspondent

Thanks to:
Das Möbel


Architekturzentrum Wien

opening hours



Museumsplatz 1,
Hof 7, 1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43/1/522 31 15


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