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Student Day at the Az W

30.11.2017 to 30.11.2017

Student Day at the Az W


Stu­die­ren­den­tag im Az W Stu­die­ren­den­tag im Az W

Stu­die­ren­den­tag im Az W
In Kooperation mit der TU Wien, Abteilung Architekturtheorie

Location: Architekturzentrum Wien

As part of the Architecture Theory seminar by Kristian Faschingeder, 12 students have prepared for the autumn exhibition at the Architekturzentrum Wien with in-depth analyses of various positions in the exhibition 'Form follows Rule'. On Student Day they provide brief statements as the basis for a guided tour of the exhibition.

15:00 Anna Königshofer: Architecture Outside The Rules Of The Game

15:30 Manuel Kainz: Unwritten Laws In Architecture

16:00 Adam Gajdoš: What Would Aldo Van Eyck Do?

16:30 Daniel Heidegger: The Impact Of Too Many Standards On The Quality Of Our Built Environment

17:00 Ricarda Kohler: The Aesthetics Of Regulations

17:30 Max Felber: Rules Of Beauty In Architecture

18:00 Marvin Lemmy Gugler: The Art Of Building With Norms

18:30 Tsvetoslava Stamenova: Do Stricter Standards For Housing Make Sense In Terms Of Energy Efficiency?

19:00 Party with DJ Line and dance floor in the Podium at the Az W

in cooperation with the fachschaft:architektur (


We look forward to welcoming all friends of architecture.

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