03.09.2017 to 03.09.2017 - Kunsthalle Wien
Community College Curriculum Brunch
Community College Curriculum Brunch
Location: Kunsthalle Wien
With Lotte Kreissler
How should models of education and curricula be structured to take a stance against discrimination? Which hidden curricula come into effect in the art space? What do we actually learn when entering a space that claims to be a space of education? And how can such spaces be created to counteract structural exclusions? Together with guests and during a small brunch, these and other questions will be discussed on four Sundays.
Lotte Kreissler, cross-border commuter, active since 30 years as alternative educator (formerly Freie Gesamtschule Hofmühlgasse) in the educational field dialectically linking theory and practice, as teacher, trainer, coach, seeker and learner. Trainer for Intercultural Conflict Transformation, Trauma Counselor. Current focus on democratic education and working with young refugees.
<link http: www.kunsthallewien.at>www.kunsthallewien.at
Kunsthalle Wien
opening hours
mo: | closed |
tue-wed: | 10:00 – 18:00 |
thu: | 10:00 – 20:00 |
fri-sun: | 10:00 – 18:00 |
Museumsplatz 1,
A-1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43-1-52189-0