16.06.2017 to 16.06.2017
BePhilharmonic im MuseumsQuartier
BePhilharmonic at MuseumsQuartier
Part of the Summer of Movement program
Live-concert, free admission, MQ main courtyard
The MuseumsQuartier is transformed into an open-air concert hall by a youth initiative from the Vienna Philharmonic and the ORF: 4 groups from Vienna, Tyrol and Vorarlberg give exciting, moving and entertaining performances as part of the "Strauß Music Contest".
Die Kolophonistinnen
A Brassionata
BubReg Time&Co.
Wenzel Beck & Daphne B.
<link http: www.bephilharmonic.at>www.bephilharmonic.at
Image: © BePhilharmonic