28.06.2017 to 06.09.2017
Assembled by Az W
Assembled by Az W
Open workshop
Location: In the courtyard of the Az W
Every Wednesday, from Wed. 28.6. to Wed. 6.9, from 5 to 7 pm
“We believe that an understanding of how things are made and of how materials come together leads to an intensive examination of the problems and possibilities of the real world”, say the members of the London Assemble Studio.
On the basis of this conviction the members of the Az W team undertake their own attempts in the area of handcraft. In the pavilion in the courtyard of the Az W which Assemble erected together with students, modelling, firing and assembly work is carried out. Every Wednesday you can find two representatives of the Az W in action. Join in or come and swap ideas about the exhibition!
<link http: www.azw.at>www.azw.at