Typopassage: Micro museum of typography
Q21 Backstage: In the new year we present Typopassage - one of the eight themed passages within the MQ Vienna which is dedicated to the design and use of letters.
Typography is the design and use of letters, hence the design of content. Typefaces have always been created for a certain task and can never be considered in isolation of a purpose. Typography does not replace, but support - or else sabotage - content. Typopassage, a micro museum for design, exhibits reflections on cultural and social importance by presenting one specific font at a time. Authors are invited to publish a text passage of sociopolitical relevance which is typeset by a designer.
Interview with Eva Dertschei and Carlos Toledo
Who/what are you?
We are Eva Dertschei and Carlos Toledo. Since 1996, we have been dealing with the design of content at our studio Toledo i Dertschei in the seventh district.
What are your fields of activity?
As graphic designers, we work on different assignments, from the design of business cards to exhibitions. We write about typography and teach at the University of Applied Arts and the Institute for Graphic Arts and Media.
How do you reach your goals?
With our bicycles.
What challenges do you face?
To find the 'right' form for the content. This means that design is not content, but content is rendered visible through design. Typography plays an important part. It is our task to apply it in a meaningful way.
What is important to you?
That Maja (ten years old) can live in a more equitable world.
How big is your team?
It’s just the two of us.
Since when have you been at Q21?
Since 2015.
A perfect work day starts with…
…exciting work