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LITERATURpassage: JENNY is happening.


LITERATURpassage: JENNY is happening.

Q21 Backstage: LITERATURpassage is one of the cultural theme passages at MuseumsQuartier Wien, openly accessible micro museums which expand the complex’s cultural range.

In the LITERATURpassage, the Institute for Language Arts at the University of Applied Arts Vienna presents artistically-graphically realized poems and bold aphorisms.
The permanent design of the passage was created by the Austrian artist Johanna Kandl and was inspired by the colorful book end papers of baroque book production.
Here, in 2020, it’s happening: JENNY, the literary journal of the Institute for Language Arts at the University of Applied Arts. JENNY’s got them all. Poetry. Essay. Prose. Drama, baby. Published by students in the book series Edition Angewandte (De Gruyter), it is a seismograph for young German-language literature within and beyond genre borders.

Interview with Greta Pichler and Sandro Huber, curators of LITERATURpassage

Who/What are you?

J E N N Y: The double-N is for NICHT NUR (‘not only’).

What are your fields of activity?

Read and let read.

How do you reach your goals?

We press hard - until we go to press.

What challenges do you face?

Combining the elegance of a sneaker with the freshness of Marie Antoinette, in a literary way.

In terms of literature, what’s important to you?

Think. Shine. Text. And risk.

How big is your team?

JENNY is many. For LITERATURpassage, she’s two.

Since when have you been at Q21?

JENNY’s been happening since 1 February 2020

The perfect summer read is…

Falsche Pralinen. 12 Prosagedichte - out now at LITERATURpassage (2€).

Photo: Eva Puella

Photo: Eva Puella


JENNY serves up

Coming back for seconds: JENNY serves up and won’t be fooled by fiction - because she knows: any petit-four MAY CONTAIN TRACES OF REALITY. So she serves Falsche Pralinen. 12 Prosagedichte (Fake Chocolates. 12 Prose Poems) by students of theInstitute for Language Arts. While Ferdinand Schmatz offers the preface, the cocktail cherry - a guest contribution - is presented by Aline Sophie Rainer, who also designed the showcases.

Date: thru Sat, Oct 31, daily 00-24:00
Venue: LITERATURpassage, MuseumsQuartier Wien

Falsche Pralinen. 12 Prosagedichte

Date: Sun, Sep 27, 19:30
Venue:Dschungel Wien

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