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Michel Pou Díaz: error [beauty machine]

26.05.2023 to 27.07.2023 - Schauraum Angewandte
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants

Michel Pou Díaz: error [beauty machine]


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„In the series error [beauty machine] I assume the image aberrations of digital machines as a form of beauty. Sometimes I add or amplify distortions and deform the image content. Image noise and a narrative broken down into single frames merge into a serial coherence.  A language emerges between my action and that of the machine. A new landscape or a new sound then reflect on a vision of the world in which seemingly everything wants to be beautiful, perfect and hardly questionable.“

                                                       Michel Pou Díaz (MQ Artist-in-Resicence in May 2023)


Curated by Ruth Schnell and Tommy Schneider

Michel Pou Díaz, * Habana, Cuba 1971, artist and photographer. His interest in humanity and people has led him to explore the relations between humankind and nature mainly through portraits and landscapes, looking for positive developments based on quality and sustainability instead of quantity and exploitation.

Exhibitions: Habana Biennale, Center for the Development of the Arts in Habana, Pingyao International PhotoFestival, Pingyao/China, ola cuba! Lille/France.

Schauraum Angewandte

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