08.12.2023 to 11.02.2024 - designforum Wien
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
L3: Louis Lucien Lepoix »By city bus to the wind turbine«

Die Wiederentdeckung des französischen Industriedesigners Louis Lucien Lepoix in Österreich.
Eröffnung: Do 07.12., 19h nur mit Anmeldung unter: www.lepoix.info/opening
Louis Lucien Lepoix (04.02.1918 – 06.11.1998):
French engineer and designer.
Trained at the Ecole des Beaux Arts Lyon and studied by correspondence to become an aircraft engineer. Worked at the Institut Ampère, Lyon, as early as 1936/1937.
From 1945 in Germany. With over 3,000 product designs - including the Puch Maxi, Steyr trucks, tractors and Citybus, Bugatti, the forearm rest and the BIC lighter - Louis Lucien Lepoix was one of the most productive industrial designers in the second half of the 20th century.