30.08.2021 to 31.10.2021 - Raum D / Q21
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
Kathrin Hunze: Data Me: Data Sugar

Opening: Mon, Aug 30, 18:00
"Data Me: Data Sugar" deals with post-digital forms of life of nature, man and machine in digital space. The video work questions the happy virtual body with a program called 'Perfect Happiness'. Based on the principle of the Tamagotchis-Effect, 'Perfect Happiness' attempts to create an emotional connection by feeding data sugar in order to steer and control it.
Kathrin Hunze is a 'Meisterschüler' and graduate of the Arts and Media program with a focus on generative art and experimental film at the Berlin University of the Arts. She studied communication design with an emphasis on time-related media and sound design at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences.
Her audiovisual works have been exhibited in Berlin, Shanghai and New York, among other places. She lives and works in Berlin.
In August 2021 she was living and working as Q21 Artist-in-Residence in the MuseumsQuartier Wien.