04.07.2022 to 04.09.2022 - eSeL REZEPTION
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
Felix Bork & eSeL: "Wer Art sagt..."

Closing: Fri 29.07., 19h
…muss auch was Z...eichnen!
open daily from 10-22h in the Q21 showrooms
daily extensions from 04.07. until 31.07.2022
Random meeting possibilities during the opening hours of the eSeL REZEPTION
The Berlin illustrator and artist Felix Bork, blessed with both verbal wit and pictorial humor, has allowed himself to be lured to Vienna in the month of July in cooperation with art communicator eSeL in order to take on the Viennese art establishment together with eSeL after his multiple award-winning encyclopedic reappraisal of "almost all native animals" ("Oh, ein Tier!", 2017) and "all or many plants" ("Oh, eine Pflanze!", 2020, both published by Eichborn Verlag).
Felix Bork will use drawing, painting, and sophisticated silliness to get to the heart of the hottest keywords of contemporary art and, in dialogic interplay with the winking photo observations of the raving Viennese art reporter eSeL, dissect one letter of the hottest keywords of current art vocabulary every day.
With a double overdose of humor, not only are the breaking points of creative collaboration explored, but also how likeable the two A..rtists of cultivated understatement really are apart from previous Z...oom conferences.
Felix Bork
(born 1988, lives and works in Berlin)
Master studies under Prof. Barber (Atak) Art Academy Burg Giebichenstein Halle Saale. Felix Bork is a multi-award-winning artist and illustrator. Among other awards, he won the Giebichenstein Design Prize and twice the Stiftung Buchkunst Prize for the most beautiful German books. Felix Bork lives in Berlin and now draws for SZ Magazin, among others. His most recent publication is the book "Nicht verwechseln!" (2021, Bastei Lübbe).