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Ania Nowak: To the Aching Parts! (Manifesto)

19.11.2022 to 19.11.2022
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants

Ania Nowak: To the Aching Parts! (Manifesto)


Performance: Sat 19.11., 18.45 - 19h

As part of the exhibition „No Dancing Allowed“ curated by Bogomir Doringer former Q21 Artist-in-Residence Ania Nowak performs the public speech „To the Aching Parts! (Manifesto)” which dissects the language used by and against queer communities today.
Devoid of grammar, the text is subjected to the order and pleasure of rhythm. Commissioned by HAU Hebbel am Ufer in the frame of “Manifestos for Queer Futures”, the performance relies on historic references to militancy by minorities to address the dangers of normativity and the need for embodied intersectionality when forming queer alliances today. By taking liberty to play around with the language of resentment and trauma as well as empathy and healing, it proposes to destabilise identities, practices and well known acronyms like LGB or FtM for the sake of a queer future we have yet to envisage.

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