04.03.2021 to 08.04.2021 - MQ Pop-Up Schauraum
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
RUIN: Aquarianer

Venues: Jan Arnold Gallery, Q21 Showrooms and #Streetartpassage (Entrance Breite Gasse)
Due to the pandemic this year, we skip the Q21 - Artist in Residence Program, that said it's time to have a look at the local scene instead. The Jan Arnold Gallery as well as the #Streetartpassage are glad to present new work by the diligently working Urban Art artist RUIN. Therefore, the showroom transforms to an aquarium for a large scale fish painting, which we know from the multiple murals by the artist on Viennese Streets. Also there will be a new piece by the artist installed at the elevator tower of #Streetartpassage visible for the upcoming months.
On account of Covid regulations there won't be an exhibition opening this time, but the showroom Jan Arnold is accessible to the public 10AM-10PM every day, the #Streetartpassage is open 24/7.