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08.03.2021 to 13.05.2021 - eSeL REZEPTION
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants



Opening hours of the eSeL REZEPTION: Mon-Thu 13-18h
Viewing times of the exhibition: daily 10-22h

For the spring exhibition in the “eSeL Galerie für Nutzungsrechte“ in the Q21 Showrooms eSeL replaces predominant vocabulary of the Covid19-pandemic with new, hopeful new terminology and combines it with his ongoing photography of former, vivid memories of the art world.

“ReHOPEning” visualizes the improvement of the current situation from the viewpoint of the “QuarantSCENE” - the currently restricted activities of Vienna´s art scene during the currently loosened lockdown.

How can the “MuSEEum” counteract  the “SHOCKdown”? Does “DesinFACT” help against “rANTI-vaccine”? Is it still possible to pay homage to the “BabyeleFUN” while maintaining humour despite being “ContactLOSS”? Let´s InciDANCE!

eSeL’s playful reframing of his photographic observations defies the potency of the currently predominant Corona-vocabulary with reciprocal effect between poetic language and vivid  images.

The exhibition as a series creates additional meaning between the eleven pictures. For years eSeL has been propagating the specific resonance between images, text and drawings through his “Sprachbilder”.

The exhibition/show will hopefully help the audience of the Q21 showrooms to open up their minds and facilitate coping with the pandemic behind a “Mund Nasen SCHMUTZ“.


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