30.11.2019 to 30.11.2019 - This Human World
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
Masterclass with Cecilia Araneda: Can the Political be Experimental?

Masterclass with Cecilia Araneda: Can the Political be Experimental?
Date: Sa, 30.11., 16:00
Venue: Max Brown Hotel, Vienna
Workshop in english language
Registration at: rahmenprogramm@thishumanworld.com
Admission free
Experimental film has long been a practice of privilege. It is often thinly defined as a necessary reaction against industrial and corporate forms of cinema, reacting against mainstream structural approaches – and in many ways it is this. But its thin definition has also long excluded experiences and ways of seeing that fall outside of the larger northern European macro cultural experience. In the digital age, experimental cinema ideas are reaching a wider audience of art practitioners beyond its historic, academic and institutional domain. This wider audience, in turn, has started to subvert the form as a mechanism of engaging in wider political discourse.
In this master class, filmmaker and Q21 Artist-in-Residence Cecilia Araneda will include examples of her own work, as well as work by Latin Canadian filmmakers Franci Duran and SoJin Chun.