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Discussion with Niklas Maak (FAZ) and Curator Marcello Farabegoli

22.11.2019 to 22.11.2019
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants

Discussion with Niklas Maak (FAZ) and Curator Marcello Farabegoli


Laura Helena Wurth (freelancer FAZ) will substitute Niklas Maak.

Discussion starts at 18:30h and will be held in German
Venue: Barocke Suite A

Niklas Maak ist editor of the „Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung“-Feuilleton and heads the arts department with Julia Voss. Curator Marcello Farabegoli and Maak (FAZ) will discuss the concept of the exhibition "Japan Unlimited" and the latest events: Japan canceled its endorsement of an art exhibition in Austria commemorating 150 years of diplomatic relations. Japan stated, that the exhibition did not promote the mutual understanding and friendly relations between Japan and Austria.

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