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Heidi Popovic & Sebastian Schager: Holy S…

07.12.2017 to 07.01.2018 - MQ Pop-Up Schauraum
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants

Heidi Popovic & Sebastian Schager: Holy S…


Heidi Popovic & Sebastian Schager: Holy S… Heidi Popovic & Sebastian Schager: Holy S…

Opening: Thu, Dec 07, 19:00
Venue: Jan Arnold Gallery, Q21 Showrooms
Admission free

Holy S...  A Heidi Popovic & Sebastian Schager exhibit at the Jan Arnold Showroom in Viennese MuseumsQuartier. Expect a contemporary take on the sacred phenomenon of the Holy Spirit and the priceless halo around it.

Heidi Popovic is a label founded in 2005 by the artist Christian Pölzler. It includes digital art, space and product design, as well as stage and costume designs at various theaters. Numerous exhibitions in Vienna, Salzburg, Miami, Moscow, Toronto, London, etc.

Sebastian Schager / <link https: _blank> is artist and curator of the Jan Arnold Gallery as well as the  #Streetartpassage (MQ Wien), he Runs a small fashion line <link https: _blank> and a label for art prints and small editions LEAP in cooperation with <link https: printaffaires _blank>@printaffaires.

The Passion of Christ - Heidi Popovic
Thus, Mr. J. and his disciples sat together for the last time after a passionate smoker among the disciples told his lobbyist and politician friends about Mr. J.’s plans to quit smoking and supporting the law implementation of the smoking ban in pubs and restaurants. During the meal, Mr. J. took his Cohiba and spoke the praise; then he took the ashtray, handed it to his disciples and said: Please don’t miss! Then he took his cigar, spoke the (abdication-)prayer, gave it to the disciples and they all took a pull. And he said to them: This is the lung, the lung of the covenant, which has suffered for many. Breathe.
I tell you: “Unfortunately, I will not breathe clean air until the day I find smoke-free places in the kingdom of God."
Next day the time had come, Mr. J. was betrayed, arrested and the story took its course…
1. Pilate condemns Mr. J. to die
2. Mr. J. accepts his cross
3. Mr. J. falls for the first time
4. Mr. J. meets his mother, Mary
5. Simon helps carry the cross
6. Veronica wipes the face of Mr. J.
7. Mr. J. falls for the second time
8. Mr. J. meets the three women of Jerusalem
9. Mr. J. falls for the third time
10. Mr. J. is stripped of his clothes
11. Mr. J. is nailed to the cross
12. Mr. J. dies on the cross
13 Mr. J. is taken down from the cross
14 Mr. J. is placed in the tomb

<link https: _blank>Cheap Gold - Sebastian Schager
In the work series "Cheap-Gold", Sebastian Schager unites a pair of opposites, bringing together commodities and a material symbolizing wealth and consistency. Gold is omnipresent in the work of the Viennese artist and opens up many questions about evaluating things and eternity / immortality. For the exhibition "Holy S ..." the artist focuses on religious themed 1€ shop figures, each in itself a testimony of a free markets consumer conformity. Among the found plastic cast objects there are angels in a yoga pose, one sitting on a lotus flower or a Crucifix shipped to Austria from China. Due to the demand of a mixed up world eclectic hybrids have emerged. Through sawing these cute, market-conform creatures in pieces, a space of tension is opened up. The disassembly requires re-assembling by the viewer. A puzzle game which triggers a reconsideration of the object, by which the desire of understanding emerges. Each cut reveals a new truth and the inner glow of the objects around us, even if one can buy this crap for only one euro… Holy S...

Curated by Joseph Rudolf and Sebastian Schager
<link http:>

MQ Pop-Up Schauraum

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