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Events as part of the exhibition "Stopover - Ways of Temporary Exchange"

21.09.2017 to 18.11.2017
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants

Events as part of the exhibition "Stopover - Ways of Temporary Exchange"


Veranstaltungsprogramm zur Ausstellung "Stopover - Ways of Temporary Exchange" Veranstaltungsprogramm zur Ausstellung "Stopover - Ways of Temporary Exchange"

All events are free of charge and will be held in English.
All events take place at frei_raum Q21 exhibition space, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna. Unless otherwise indicated.

Exhibition brochure

Exhibition Opening
Date: Thu, Sep21, 19:00
Lecture Performance Ferenc Gróf: 20:00
Guided Tour of the Sissi Quartier by Polygon Creative Empire: 20:30

Mona Vătămanu & Florin Tudor
Fri, Sep 22, 17-18:00
Film screening, Artist Talk

Polygon Creative Empire
Fri, Sep 22, 18-19:00
Guided Tour of the Sissi Quartier

Isa Rosenberger: Nový most
Fri, Oct 06, 17:00
Fim Screening, Talk

Abandoned (re)creation: Highlights from Slovak Functionalist and Modernist Architecture
Sat, Oct 07, 10-18:00
Meeting Point: Bellariastrasse/Museumsplatz
Registration and information:
Excursion to Bratislava, Guided City Tour

Curators' Guided Tour
Date: Sat, Oct 07, 19:00
As part of the ORF Lange Nacht der Museen

Cristina David and Michael Ehn: Re-Enactment of a Chess Game
Sat, Oct 07, 20:00
Performance as part of the ORF Lange Nacht der Museen

Alina Şerban in conversation with Cristina David
Tue, Oct 17, 18:00
Artist Talk

Art Aid: Social Movements and Activism
Thu, Oct 19, 16:30-19:00
Petja Dimitrova, Márton Gulyás, Oto Hudec, Lenka Kukurová, Kamen Stoyanov

Date: Thu, Oct 19, 19:00

Igor and Ivan Buharov: Most of the Souls That Live Here
Fri, Oct 20, 18:00
Venue: Blickle Kino im 21er Haus, Arsenalstrasse 1, 1030 Vienna
Film Screening, Talk, with an introduction by Katalin Erdődi

Cristina David hosts Frau Schach (Ms. Chess)
Tue, Nov 07, 17-20:00
Meeting of the Viennese women’s chess club

Gender Woodstock: Feminist Art Practices
Fri, Nov 17, 15-20:00
Performances and Lectures by Zbyněk Baladrán, Katrin Hornek, Adela Jušić, Tereza Stejskalová, Johanna Tinzl, Lucia Tkáčová, Raluca Voinea et al. as part of the VIENNA ART WEEK

Gruppo Tökmag: Sárkány Lee (Dragon Lee)
Sat, Nov 18, 20:00
Theater Performance, Talk


Image: Igor and Ivan Buharov: Most of the Souls That Live Here, 2016


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