30.07.2017 to 02.12.2017 - TONSPUR_passage
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants

Opening: Sun, Jul 30, 17:00
Venue: TONSPUR_passage
Admission free
LONG NIGHT TALKS. FOR ROBERT ADRIAN is the new work by Italian artist Roberto Paci Dalò created during his residency at TONSPUR - Q21/ MQ in July 2017.
The piece is composed of an 8-channel sound work and 7 images. In addition to it, the ORF commissioned a radiowork to be broadcasted on Ö1 Radiokunst Kunstradio on the opening night.
The piece is dedicated to Robert Adrian X (1935-2015), a pioneer in art and telecommunications. The Canadian artist lived in Vienna since 1972 and his contribution to the art world has been also witnessed by a large retrospective at Kunsthalle Wien back in 2001. Adrian received the Prize of The City of Vienna in 1993, and the Austrian Art Prize in 2011. He was awarded the Nam June Paik Art Center Prize in 2009.
Through more than two decades Adrian and Paci Dalò shared a close friendship also working together on several projects including a film Paci Dalò especially created for Adrian's major retrospective. The two used to sit in Adrian's studio in the Wiedner Hauptstraße and share long night talks dicussing passionately art, radio, transmission, technologies, web, surveillance, sound, warfare, and conflicts.
In LONG NIGHT TALKS. FOR ROBERT ADRIAN, Roberto Paci Dalò worked on Adrian's voice using it as a main material for the installation. The visitors will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the grain of the voice together with field recordings, instrumental and electronics sounds. A journey into fascinating times and experiences where visitors are surrounded by sounds in the unique TONSPUR multi-channel audio environment.
Parallel to the sound work, the artist created a series of 7 drawings conceived as a constellation: A nocturnal sky which is also a graphic score for the piece. The seven drawings reflect the 7 days of an imaginary week together with Robert Adrian in his studio in Vienna's Wiedner Hauptstraße.
A daily journal of Paci Dalò's residency at Q21 (images, texts, sounds) is online at: <link http: www.giardini.sm _blank>robertopacidalo.com
Books and records of the artist are available at Buchhandlung Walther König at MuseumsQuartier.
<link http: www.tonspur.at>www.tonspur.at
Image: © Roberto Paci Dalò