14.11.2016 to 20.11.2016 - eSeL REZEPTION, TONSPUR_passage, Raum D / Q21, MQ Showrooms
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants

Date: daily 10-22:00
Venues: Raum D / Q21, Electric Avenue, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Flickr
Concept & realization: eSeL, Say Say Say, Inc., Downtown Vienna & Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien
Admission free
The project “SeekingBeautyQ21” visualizes the Q21 users’ divergent ideas of beauty, both as an exhibition and as an accompanying initiative on the social media channels of Q21.
In the weeks before the exhibition, images and texts focusing on the subject of beauty are collected via digital channels under the hashtag #SeekingBeautyQ21. During VIENNA ART WEEK, they will be exhibited in digital and analog form in show rooms along Electric Avenue and in Room D / Q21. Visitors are welcome to add some digital photos to the discoveries they make at Q21.
TONSPUR 72: Charlemagne Palestine (USA): “””"MiniMeshuggahhTonspurLaandtttt!!!”””
Date: daily 10-20:00
Venue: TONSPUR_passage
Admission free
US-American minimal music pioneer and Gesamtkunstwerk Charlemagne Palestine has composed a sound-image installation. He is one of the foremost minimalist composers, along with La Monte Young, Terry Riley and Philip Glass, and has also made a name for himself as an object and installation artist. His sound track is another highlight in the “TONSPUR for a public space” series, initiated in 2003.
<link http: www.tonspur.at>www.tonspur.at
Curators Guided Tour “What is left?”
Date: Wed, Nov 16, 19:00
Venue: frei_raum Q21 exhibition space
With Walter Seidl and Gülsen Bal
<link http: www.q21.at frei-raum>www.Q21.at/frei-raum
Open Studio Day
Date: Fri, Nov 18, 13:00
Meeting Point: MQ Courtyard 7 (Entrance across from Volkstheater)
Admission free
Art and cultural mediator Wolfgang Brunner guides through the Artist-in-Residence studios of Q21.
EIKON: Discursive Slide Show „Slides in Dialog. Subjects and Objects in Photography“
Date: Fri, Nov 18, 18:00
Venue: Raum D / Q21
In cooperation with ORTHOCHROME
<link http: www.eikon.at>www.eikon.at
<link http: www.viennaartweek.at>www.viennaartweek.at