22.09.2016 to 20.11.2016 - MQ ART BOX
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
Wilhelm Scheruebl: Das Ende des Wartens

Admission free
“photosynthesis as the highest form of existence’’
Wilhelm Scheruebl’s art works with the aliveness of things. He analyses the biological time in which creatures, plants in particular, grow.
As a curator of nature, he sows winter crops on sacks filled with humus and places them in the MQ ART BOX. The exhibition period is the time of germination, sprouting, growing. Viewers are granted a glimpse of an everyday wonder, which is constituted by the fact that seeds turn into “anonymous sculptures” – the plants.
The strip lights above the sacks, i.e. the artificial lighting, allude to the photo-sensitivity of living matter; the photosynthesis that corresponds to its intelligence. The glass walls of the ART BOX are painted with large, knobbly ink drawings, creating a sense of curvature and proliferation. The image of the eruption that unleashes the shoot spreads across the BOX as though it was bubbling, and reveals the extent to which the organic and the inorganic are variations on life.
<link http: www.scheruebl.at>www.scheruebl.at
Picture: W. Scheruebl