21.07.2016 to 07.08.2016 - MQ Pop-Up Schauraum
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
Anthony Lister: Double Vision Never Felt So Good

Opening: Thu Jul 21, 19-22:00
Venue: Jan Arnold Gallery, Electric Avenue
Admission free
We're happy to announce Anthony Lister as the next artist doing a monthlong residence in Viennese MuseumsQuartier as well as a solo show at Jan Arnold Gallery. Australian born artist Anthony Lister helped pioneer the stencil and street art movement in Australia before moving to New York in 2003. In addition to a strong background in street art he employs a sophisticated, fine art, painterly style. High and lowbrow culture clash in the content of his paintings, drawings and installations — boorish superheroes, flirtatious ballet dancers, bad-tempered old masters and imperious vamps raucously co-exist in his imagery. His contradictory, often carnivalesque, layered action paintings have hung on the walls of solo exhibitions at galleries in Sydney, Miami, New York, London, Los Angeles and Hong Kong.
Curated by Artis.Love
<link http: www.anthonylister.com>www.anthonylister.com
<link http: www.janarnoldgallery.com>www.janarnoldgallery.com